Research Project initiated as a Final Year Project in psychology at NTU. Academic year 2022-23
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Apr 13, 2023
Teo, Symantha AQ; Styles, Suzy J, 2023, "Methods and Data for: Eight truths, eight lies: an experiment on recursive mindreading and social memory 2023",, DR-NTU (Data), V2
Methods and Data files. This study aims to explore the potential relationship between one’s mental verb vocabulary size, and their ability to mentalise. While multiple studies have been conducted on the limit of adults’ mentalizing ability (Kinderman et al., 1988; Stiller et al.,...
Mar 2, 2023
Teo, Symantha A.Q.; Styles, Suzy J, 2023, "Preregistration documents for 'Eight truths, eight lies: an experiment on recursive mindreading and social memory'2023",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
This study aims to explore the potential relationship between one’s mental verb vocabulary size, and their ability to mentalise. While multiple studies have been conducted on the limit of adults’ mentalizing ability (Kinderman et al., 1988; Stiller et al., 2007; Lyons et al., 201...
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