The Supportive Home Environments for Language Learning Survey (SHELLS) is a series of surveys designed to capture parents' beliefs about child language development, meta-linguistic reasoning, language planning, and parent-child linguistic interactions. Different subscales provide insights into different aspects of language development. In different studies, these subscales have been remixed and combined in different ways, so each is archived separately.

In this collection you will find the following resources:

• SHELLS Survey (Language beliefs and language planning subscale)
• SHELLS - Covid Talks
• SHELLS - What do we do all day?
• SHELLS - Language strategies Quiz

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Apr 8, 2021
Styles, Suzy J; Woon, Fei Ting; Eshwaaree C Yogarrajah; Mohd Salleh, Nur Sakinah, 2021, "SHELLS: Supportive Home Environments for Language Learning - Survey",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
SHELLS (Language Beliefs and Language Planning Subscales) is a survey designed for parents of children 0-4 years of age in multilingual environments. The survey was first designed for use in multilingual Singapore. The language of the survey is English. The survey was first admin...
Apr 8, 2021
Styles, Suzy J; Woon, Fei Ting; Yogarrajah, Eshwaaree C, 2021, "SHELLS - Covid Talks",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
'SHELLS - Covid Talks' is a survey designed to find out about parents' experience of changes to their activities and communication with their children during the COVID-19 outbreak and response in 2020. The survey was first administered to parents of 8-40 month old children partic...
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