This dataverse collects together documents for studies on kinship naming in Singapore, with a current focus on the names given to Grandparents by parents of small children in different conditions
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Apr 14, 2022
Choo, Kelly SN; Woon, Fei Ting; Styles, Suzy J, 2022, "Red Dot Words: People in Families",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
This dataset contains the complete question set for the Red Dot: People in Families survey as implemented on the Qualtrics interface. Images in this survey are adapted from characters created by Suzy J Styles for the book 'Ethics in Practice: A workbook for junior investigators i...
Jan 21, 2022
Choo, Kelly SN; Styles, Suzy J, 2022, "Preregistration for kinship terms of address and reference for grandparents in Singapore",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
Preregistration Documents. The use of kinship terms of address and reference reflects the concept of language socialization. Kinship terms use can be referred to as child-centred, when an adult uses the word a child would normally use to label a person, when talking to the child....
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