Supporting data for RNA paper 2019, Lorenzini et al (corresponding author Roca). 7 RNA-seq samples for K562 cells, PRPF40B knockout and rescue with WT or MDS mutant PRPF40B. Excel file with all the Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs). Significant DEGs labeled 'Yes', others 'No'. Excel file with Differential Alternative Splicing Events (DASEs). Only events that pass the cutoffs.
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May 27, 2019
Roca Castella, Francesc Xavier, 2019, "Excel file with DASEs for Lorenzini et al (Roca) RNA 2019",, DR-NTU (Data), V1, UNF:6:fIX5Bo5JAZnoC+WXEh4DBQ== [fileUNF]
7 RNA-seq samples for K562 cells, PRPF40B knockout and rescue with WT or MDS mutant PRPF40B. Excel file with Differential Alternative Splicing Events (DASEs) from RNA-seq data using rMATS.. Only events that pass the cutoffs.
May 27, 2019
Roca Castella, Francesc Xavier, 2019, "Excel file with DEGs for Lorenzini et al (Roca) RNA 2019",, DR-NTU (Data), V1, UNF:6:s7n2Wk81UQPaJyi6yrLKdg== [fileUNF]
DEGs and other gene expression data from RNA-seq data. 7 RNA-seq samples for K562 cells, PRPF40B knockout and rescue with WT or MDS mutant PRPF40B. Excel file with all the Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs). Significant DEGs labeled 'Yes', others 'No'.
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