This project examines the language networks and cognitive proficiency for reading in bilinguals within Singapore. We applied both neurocognitive and neuroimaging techniques for this investigation. The datasets curated and protocols are developed through research collaborators with investigators from Psychology (SSS), CRCD (NIE) and Johns Hopkins University.
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May 6, 2021
Wu, Chiao-Yi; Teo, Jia Li; Yap, Michelle Li-Mei; Lin, Hsin-Yu; Yeo, Marilyn Cai Ling; Chia, Phoebe Si Qi; Vinas Guasch, Nestor; Chen, S. H. Annabel, 2021, "MRI Space Mission: A Stepwise Paediatric MRI Training Protocol for Young Children",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
The MRI Space Mission is a child-centred, stepwise paediatric MRI training protocol for young children. The protocol consists of a series of mini-activities that are designed to familiarize young children with the MRI scanner and scanning procedures. Children will be introduced t...
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