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May 6, 2021
Wu, Chiao-Yi; Teo, Jia Li; Yap, Michelle Li-Mei; Lin, Hsin-Yu; Yeo, Marilyn Cai Ling; Chia, Phoebe Si Qi; Vinas Guasch, Nestor; Chen, S. H. Annabel, 2021, "MRI Space Mission: A Stepwise Paediatric MRI Training Protocol for Young Children", https://doi.org/10.21979/N9/QCVEGB, DR-NTU (Data), V1
The MRI Space Mission is a child-centred, stepwise paediatric MRI training protocol for young children. The protocol consists of a series of mini-activities that are designed to familiarize young children with the MRI scanner and scanning procedures. Children will be introduced t... |