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1 to 5 of 5 Results
Dec 14, 2020
Cheong, Siew Ann, 2020, "Cross sections of 8 to 9 mixed assets after hypothesis testing",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
Set 1 = (A) gold, (B) silver, (C) palladium, (D) S\&P 500, (E) Hang Seng, (F) platinum, (G) Dow Jones, (H) Nikkei, and (I) NASDAQ, prices between Apr 2, 1990 and Jan 28, 2018. Set 2 = (A) 5-year US bond, (B) 10-year US bond, (C) 2-year US bond, (D) 6-month US bond, (E) wheat, (F)...
Dec 14, 2020
Cheong, Siew Ann, 2020, "Second cross section of 10 DJI component stocks: intermediate files for hypothesis testing",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
Python npy files
Dec 14, 2020
Cheong, Siew Ann, 2020, "Cross section of 5 DJI component stocks",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'STC', 'STC5', 'TC5', 'fTC5', 'fTC5null', 'lmax', 'lmin', 'nSTCempty', 'setTC5', 'sigseqp001', 'sigseqp005', 'sigseqp005n5']
Dec 14, 2020
Cheong, Siew Ann, 2020, "First cross section of 10 DJI component stocks: Intermediate data files for hypothesis testing",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
To be used for Python script for hypothesis testing.
Dec 14, 2020
Cheong, Siew Ann, 2020, "First cross section of 10 DJI component stocks",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
X1 = GE, X2 = CSCO, X3 = HD, X4 = JPM, X5 = MMM, X6 = MRK, X7 = UTX, X8 = BA, X9 = VZ, X10 = XOM
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