Appointment:Research Fellow

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1 to 2 of 2 Results
Oct 9, 2020 - Qiu Lin
Chen, Jiayu; Qiu, Lin; Ho, Moon-Ho Ringo, 2020, "Replication data for: A meta-analysis of linguistic markers of extraversion: Positive emotion and social process words",, DR-NTU (Data), V1, UNF:6:SZVPiZzu+D4QCuw7MTfDMA== [fileUNF]
Dataset for the paper "A Meta-analysis of Linguistic Markers of Extraversion: Positive Emotion and Social Process Words"
Aug 6, 2019
Wayne Freeman Chong Weien, 2019, "Formal long-term care: Informal caregivers’ subjective well-being and service utilization",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
This dissertation was primarily motivated by the twin phenomena of falling formal long-term care service (LTCS) demand and unrelenting deleterious effects on informal caregivers’ subjective well-being across urban societies. These phenomena run counter to the needs of ageing popu...
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