Appointment: Associate Professor

Research topics:

1. real time seismology

2. earthquake focal mechanism inversion

3. kinematic finite fault inversion, involving joint constraints from geodetic, seismological, tsunami and field observations

4. strong ground motion simulation with 3-dimensional velocity structure and their potential application to earthquake engineering

5. crustal to upper mantle scale velocity structure study, aim to establish path calibrations for earthquake studies and image slab structure in the subduction zones

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Jan 25, 2024
Wei, Shengji; Zeng, Hongyu; Shi, Qibin; Liu, Jihong; Luo, Heng; Hu, Wanlin; Li, Yu; Wang, Weitao; Ma, Zhangfeng; Liu-Zeng, Jing; Wang, Teng, 2022, "Dataset for Maduo Earthquake rupture imaging",, DR-NTU (Data), V3
This dataset includes: 1. teleseismic broadband waveform, 2. regional broadband waveforms 3. InSAR/SAR 4. 3D surface deformation data for the 2021 Mw7.4 Maduo earthquake in China
Jan 25, 2024
Wei, Shengji, 2024, "2022 Mw6.6 Luding Earthquake Dataset",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
Seismic dataset of the mainshock
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