Supplementary Material associated with the paper 'Evaluating and ranking Southeast Asia's exposure to explosive volcanic hazards'
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1 to 3 of 3 Results
Feb 23, 2022
Jenkins, Susanna, 2022, "SM3: Exposure results",, DR-NTU (Data), V1, UNF:6:FDcNVhI6lRRe/OpeZXvxZw== [fileUNF]
SM3 is a table containing the results of the exposure analysis serving as raw data for all figures and tables presented in the associated paper: Jenkins, S.F., Biass, S., Williams, G.T., Hayes, J.L., Tennant, E., Yang, Q., Burgos, V., Meredith, E.S., Lerner, G.A., Syarifuddin, M....
Feb 22, 2022
Jenkins, Susanna, 2022, "SM2: Eruption Frequency-Magnitude",, DR-NTU (Data), V1, UNF:6:T+beI+7tF3PekU7mZCjrXg== [fileUNF]
SM2 is an Excel file containing the calculated annual probability of occurrence for eruptions of VEI [3, 4, 5] for each volcano, as estimated by the method of Hayes et al. (in prep.). For each VEI, the 10%, 50% and 90% probabilities of the distribution are shown. The estimates re...
Feb 22, 2022
Jenkins, Susanna, 2022, "SM1 - Hazard model outputs",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
'SM1 - Hazard model outputs' includes a .zip file with all of the hazard model outputs from the paper 'Evaluating and ranking Southeast Asia's exposure to explosive volcanic hazards' and a .pdf file describing the data: 'SM1 - Hazard model outputs - description'.
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