Appointment: Research Fellow

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Nov 20, 2023
Huang, Ming; Deng, Bangwei; Dong, Fan; Zhang, Lili; Zhang, Zheye; Chen, Peng, 2023, "Related Data for: Substrate Engineering for CVD Growth of Single Crystal Graphene",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
Single crystal graphene (SCG) has attracted enormous attention for their unique potential to next-generation high-performance optoelectronics. In the absence of grain boundaries, SCG preserves the exceptional intrinsic properties of graphene. Currently, chemical vapor deposition...
Nov 17, 2023 - ZHANG Zheye
Zhang, Zheye; Huang, Ming; Deng, Bangwei; Zhao, Xiaoli; Li, Fei; Li, Kanglu; Cui, Zhihao; Kong, Lingxuan; Lu, Jianmei; Dong, Fan; Zhang, Lili; Chen, Peng, 2023, "Related Data for: Template-Sacrificing Synthesis of Well-Defined Asymmetrically Coordinated Single-Atom Catalysts for Highly Efficient CO2 Electrocatalytic Reduction",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
Template-Sacrificing Synthesis of Well-Defined Asymmetrically Coordinated Single-Atom Catalysts for Highly Efficient CO2 Electrocatalytic Reduction
Nov 17, 2023 - ZHANG Zheye
Zhang, Zheye; Zhao, Xiaoxu; Xi, Shibo; Zhang, Lili; Chen, Zhongxin; Zeng, Zhiping; Huang, Ming; Yang, Hongbin; Liu, Bin; Pennycook, Stephen J.; Chen, Peng, 2023, "Related data for: Atomically Dispersed Cobalt Trifunctional Electrocatalysts with Tailored Coordination Environment for Flexible Rechargeable Zn–Air Battery and Self‐Driven Water Splitting",, DR-NTU (Data), V1
Atomically Dispersed Cobalt Trifunctional Electrocatalysts with Tailored Coordination Environment for Flexible Rechargeable Zn–Air Battery and Self-Driven Water Splitting
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