Research in the Division covers a wide spectrum of chemistry, but generally falls within the following areas: Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, Biological Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Inorganic Chemistry & Organometallics, Nanomaterials & Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry & Synthesis, and Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics. Our brand new chemistry complex modeled after the new University of Oxford chemistry building provides a safe and modern environment for teaching and research and has already been recognized as one of the best chemistry buildings in the world. We have many state-of-the-art instruments for research, including seven high field NMR spectrometers, a range of mass spectrometers, an ESR spectrometer, confocal microscope, TEM, two SCD X-ray, and a range of HPLCs and GCs. All the instruments are open for the use by undergraduates and graduate students. We foster collaboration with industry as well as institutions and research centers from all over the world.
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