The Brain Literacy dataverse contains research data collected from the projects that seek to foster brain literacy (i.e., the understanding of how the brain learns) in educators.
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Nov 20, 2020
Chen, S. H. Annabel; Ng, Betsy; Tan, Seng Chee; Poon, Kin Loong Kenneth; Yeo, Lay See; Aljunied, Mariam; Hale, James Bradford, 2019, "Translating Educational Neuroscience to Meet Diverse Needs of Children in Schools: Feasibility and Infrastructure",, DR-NTU (Data), V2
This project seeks to develop the infrastructure to begin the translation of educational neuroscience into classroom practice. As part of the project, we established the norms of Test of Word Reading Efficiency – Second Edition (TOWRE-2) and Singapore Reading Maze Test (SRMT) as...
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